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Session One: The Adventure Begins!

Sunset is always a beautiful time of day. It's not quite night, but the darkness begins to creep in and put the world to bed. As Wynn-frid Gwynvire walked along the road towards the city of Telim, she reflected upon her view. The earthen roadway before and behind her, the tall trees growing to the east, and the vast farmlands to the west. Her view was beautiful, she thought, and worthy of protection.

As night fell in earnest, Wynn-frid began seeking a place to set up camp for the night. She took to the woods, leaving the road behind a short distance, seeking shelter and solitude in the familiar territory. As a Wood-Elf, Wynn was always more comfortable surrounded by trees and wildlife. Her darkvision allowed her to see quite easily, and she soon came to a suitable campsite. She hung her hammock between two large trees and began foraging for food. Mushrooms were plentiful here, and she eagerly gathered them and skewered them on sticks she cut down to size. Using her Druidcraft, Wynn created a small campfire to cook the fungi over and ate contentedly, keeping a watchful eye on the treeline as she did.

Her meal complete, Wynn decided to rest. Needing only a short four hours, she lay in her hammock after extinguishing the fire. Her belongings, save for her weapons, rested in a small tent about 20 feet away. She always kept her weapons nearby. One can't be too careful these days, especially out in the wild.

Wynn-frid entered her meditative trance, replenishing her energy and her health. She was roughly an hour into her meditation when the sound of twigs snapping caught her attention. Her eyes snapped open, but she did not move her body. She searched the treeline for what had made the sound, easily picking out a humanoid form creeping towards the small tent which held her belongings. While the creature was distracted, Wynn crept down from her hammock and began climbing a large tree near where she had rested. While climbing, however, her foot snagged a stray branch and broke it, alerting the creature to her presence. Its head whipped around, and Wynn-frid could hear it mutter in Orcish. She was still too far away to hear the words, but she definitely recognized that awful language; the language she had heard on the worst day of her life. Fury rose within the Druid, filling her mind with terrible memories. She fought them back, and focused on the task at hand.

As the creature began advancing on her, Wynn saw it raise a crossbow and fire towards her. She ducked behind a branch and the bolt missed her head by inches, and she began climbing out of the tree, dropping the remaining few feet to land with the tree between her and the creature. Wynn decided that she needed to know more about this creature, so she rushed around the tree towards it, raising her quarterstaff to defend herself.

As the two met in combat, Wynn quickly ascertained the nature of this creature. He had armor, but it was light and made of hide, allowing for quiet movement. The face appeared human until you saw the slightly pointed ears, the too-sharp teeth, and the yellowish tint to its eyes. This was a Human with Orc blood in his lineage, for certain. To Wynn-frid, this creature was an abomination. He was dressed in ragged clothes that were mismatched and appeared too big for his scrawny frame. It didn't look like they had been washed in weeks, but had once been fine. Wynn quickly determined that this creature was a bandit, and likely a scout. His attacks were feral, but sluggish and weak, and she easily dodged them and made attacks of her own. However, she too found her blows deflected and dodged, and it seemed the two were at a standoff. Wynn-frid took the opportunity to ask the man what he was doing snooping around her camp, and he responded with a snarled threat, lunging at her again with his nicked and twisted blade. She sidestepped yet again, and her attacker quickly took the opportunity to run for it. Wynn took a swipe at him as he fled, but missed him. As he disappeared into the trees towards the east, she decided he was probably going for reinforcements, and that moving on was her most reasonable option.

Wynn packed up her camp, covered her tracks, and continued making her way northward. When she deemed she had gone far enough, she reestablished her base camp and continued her rest, remaining watchful through the evening. No further incursions took place, and she awoke from her trance feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Packing up her things, she set out for the main road again. As she walked, she began to see a wagon stopped on the road in the distance. She approached, only to notice that one of the wagon wheels was missing. Wynn carefully made her way around the wagon, hearing someone muttering and cursing on the other side. As she turned the corner, she spotted an older Dwarf attempting to wrest a heavy wagon wheel to its upright position. She made herself known and offered assistance to the Dwarf. He gratefully accepted, and the two hefted the wheel into place, where the Dwarf quickly locked it in with pins.

Wynn noticed that this Dwarf, who was plainly dressed in a simple leather jerkin and trousers, seemed ill. He coughed and wheezed while speaking, and seemed to lack the strength that his Dwarven nature should naturally grant him. As she spoke with him, he revealed his name to be Balgus Stonehand, a produce merchant with a farm not too far up the road. He offered her a meal and a place to stay for the night if she so desired, and Wynn gratefully accepted. The pair rode in the wagon as the lone horse pulled them along, Wynn eventually getting around to asking Balgus about his cough and sickly demeanor. He explained to her that a Goblin had moved into a cave not too far from his small village, and that this Goblin was a practitioner of foul magic. Balgus believed that the Goblin had cursed him for trying to sneak into the Goblin's cave, as he had been feeling ill since that day.

Wynn was skeptical of this Goblin "wizard", and thought that Balgus may have been poisoned instead, so she used her Detect Poison spell. Sure enough, she spotted the faint pulses of poison emanating from Balgus' left hand, from a tiny pinprick in the skin. She kept this information to herself, knowing that Dwarves are stubborn and he would likely not believe her. Instead, she resolved to try to determine the source of the poison and work out an antidote. She would have to pay this Goblin a visit.


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