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Protectors of Telim

Army/Navy of Telim:  The largest standing army in Telaris, Telim's soldiers are outfitted with fine weaponry and armor, and are devoted to the protection of Telaris.  While Telim may be protected from magical assault, physical danger is still present and must be guarded against.  The army is often divided into three forces, each of which stands to protect a particular direction.  The Khadesh division stands at the East, patrolling the Vobaln mountain range.  These soldiers are primarily lightly armored and on foot, using the mountainous terrain to their advantage.   The Dirani stand at the South, serving as diplomats, emissaries and scouts into Iber and Jezerim.  The force is made up primarily of cavalry and anti-siege devices (catapults, mobile scouting towers), and serves as the first line of defense against any incursion of the Orc horde residing in the southern reaches of Telaris.  To the West are the Harth soldiers, made up of spearmen, archers and wyvern-riders.  This force stands as a deterrent to the Giants and Ogres that occasionally come too close to Telaris' borders.  The Hath mountains are less rocky and useful for defense than the Vobaln, so the wyvern riders make up the difference in terms of visibility and mobility. 


Cobalt Guard:  Known informally as the Cobalts, these guards patrol the streets of Telim.  They wear tabards and tunics of deep blue, hence their moniker, and are a mix of battle-tested veterans and starry-eyed recruits.  It is considered every able-bodied young man and woman's duty to sign up for the Cobalts on their 16th birthday, and service continues for four years, at which point the youth is discharged, having been taught a skill or trade.  At this time, they can choose to reenlist, serve as a reserve guard, or continue on with their lives.  A significant number choose to remain as reserves, as the stipend they receive allows them to work without breaking their backs, and there is an honor in knowing that, should Telim require them, they stand ready to take up arms at a moment's notice.  The ones who do not choose the military life are not judged, as they are often presented with opportunities to travel with merchants or to set up shops and businesses that help keep the city thriving. 

While most view the Cobalts as stalwart and trustworthy, the guards are fallible, and some fall to corruption and/or bribery.  Their longstanding stalemate with the city's Thieves' Guild has led many guards to view the thieves with admiration, envy, and many end up playing both sides of the conflict. 


  • The Cobalt Guard is led by General Ian Landragon, a man known for his honorable nature and his love of music.  Under his watchful eye, all guards are taught how to play at least one instrument or to sing, and the Guard regularly put on programs for the city, to keep the populace entertained and to keep relations between the people and the guard amiable.  Landragon has captained the guard for 20 years, and it is rumored that he may be retiring soon and is in the process of selecting a successor from the current ranks of the Cobalts.  Captain Drake Dondarrian is the current Captain of the Cobalts, and handles the day-to-day duties of running the guard.


  • The Palace Guards, known as the Shield of the Flame, are chosen from the elite of the Cobalt Guard.  New Flame Shields are selected as needed, and it is the goal of many Cobalts to become a Shield.  They are housed within the palace, and are essentially noblemen both during their service and once they return to their regular tasks at the end of their tenure.  A Cobalt must undergo a rigorous series of tests of physical and mental ability before they are given the new station.  This includes arcane mind probing, random scrying on their activities, and close examination of the personality of the individual.  There has never been a traitor in the Flame Shields, and the belief is that there never will be.

Cobalt Guard

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