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Telim-Capital City of Telaris

Telim is the capital city of the region known as Telaris.  It was founded centuries ago by a group of beings known only as the Scions.  These extraplanar entities sought to remake the world as they remembered it, but better.  Thus, Telim and Telaris were created.  The shining city in the north, Telim rests on the shores of the Tranquil Bay, which opens up into the Borian Sea.  At the edge of the water, surrounded by the city walls, resides the royal palace.  It is a single tower upon the coast, the center of power in Telaris, home to King Bromley and his family.  The majestic structure is called the Spiral Palace, famed for its incredible height and the winding staircase that encircles the entire building leading up to the very top.  The palace resembles a very large lighthouse, with a magical beacon atop it, acting as a calling and as a warning.  Telim's borders are protected now by powerful magic, infused daily by a veritable army of wizards and sorcerers, known as the Keepers of the Flame.   


Bromley is a good king, a fair and just ruler who employs a small council made up of the common folk, which attends to the daily affairs of running the city.  Bromley’s wife, Queen Adelaide, is a beautiful woman, wise beyond her years, and manages the city’s army and navy.  There are no gender restrictions in Telim; everyone is free to pursue their heart’s desire, regardless of race, gender, or economic standing.  


This is not to say that Telaris is perfect; there is crime, corruption, and hardship like any other city.  Telim has been the target of many sieges throughout the centuries, due to its enviable spot as the center of trade and commerce between all of the other countries.  Sections of the city are more poverty-stricken than others, as is common in large cities, but even these are not as ramshackle and depressing as in most other places.  The poor of Telim are cared for by the city, and children are educated regardless of their family's ability to afford tutors.  Public education is by no means perfect, but at least the citizens (by and large) can read and write basic runes, and most can read and write Common.  Life is hard everywhere, but being a citizen of Telim, whether by birth or by choice, makes it much more bearable.


Within the city walls, magic is practiced relatively freely, provided one does not engage in the wanton destruction of property or the disruption of daily affairs.  Research and invention fuel much of the scholarly population of Telim, and the library in the city contains copies of virtually every text written in the known world.  The citizens of Telim, by and large, are happy folk, and have little reason to worry about food and shelter.  Large farms outside of the city provide food for the people, guilds of artisans provide furniture and homes at low cost to citizens, and merchants ply their trade much at their own discretion.  There is little micromanagement from the Palace, since the Council handles the majority of the responsibilities of daily life within the city.  


Things were not always so happy in Telim, however.  In the past, despotic kings worked the people like slaves, demanding ever-higher taxes and tributes.  It was in answer to these tyrants that the Council was enacted, and each member is chosen by the populace to serve as their representative acting in the best interests of the people.  If a Council member is no longer fit for their station, they are removed from the seat by way of popular vote, and there is an election every ten years for new Council members.  A Council member may serve only two terms before they are ineligible for another, to keep ideas fresh and prevent complacency.  

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