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Session Five: Platinum and Plots

As evening wore on, Gamma and Wynn-frid found themselves growing weary. They retired to their respective rooms for an evening's rest, anxious to discover more information the next day about the events that had transpired. As they lay down, they both found themselves quickly falling into a deep, dark slumber.

Darkness swirled. A faint hue of grey became the backdrop for a writhing mass of shadows, all twisting and swooping around the Druid and the Halfling. Unable to see one another, they could only stare as the shadows moved around them. As they stood, unable to move or cry out, the shadows began to press closer until they felt as though they would suffocate. As panic set in, a small pinprick of light flared in the distance. Growing larger, it quickly began to move towards the pair; as it did, they saw a massive form begin to take shape. It grew and grew, until it completely obscured all other aspects of their vision. What they saw before them was an enormous serpentine head and neck, adorned with platinum scales and silver ridges along its nape.

As the head of this great beast came into focus, they realized that they were staring at the face of a humongous dragon. The Platinum Dragon looked down at the two of them, and opened its mouth. Teeth larger than even Wynn-frid's tall frame were illuminated from behind as a bright burst of silver-blue flame shot from the dragon's mouth. The flame burned all around the two adventurers, but did not harm them. The shadows immediately burst into flame and withered away, screaming wordlessly as they were blasted from existence. When the shadows had been dispelled, Wynn and Gamma heard a voice, sonorous and resonant in their minds: The shadow looms. The Vestige remains. Find me, and together we will beat back the darkness that threatens to tear this world apart.

As the voice faded, the two friends found themselves falling away from the visage of the Platinum Dragon. Faster they fell, until they both awoke with a start, the morning sun's rays peeking through their windows.

Oddly rested and refreshed, both Wynn and Gamma began to prepare for the day. As they entered their respective washrooms, they both noticed something hanging around their necks; a silver pendant, intricately formed into the shape of a dragon, hung on a chain around their necks. Both tried to remove the chain, but when they attempted to pull it over their heads, the chain's weight was so great that all their strength couldn't budge it. After several unsuccessful tries, they gave up and stuffed the pendants underneath their armor.

When the two met downstairs, they decided to go out into the city to find their morning meal. They found Eamon's Edibles, an apparently popular establishment, helmed by an old Gnome who welcomed them and fed them a fantastic assortment of breakfast staples. During their meal, the subject quickly turned to the strange dream/vision they had each had, and they learned that they had both gone through the same strange experience. United in puzzlement and trepidation, they showed one another their pendants and recounted their unsuccessful efforts to remove them. Unsure of what else to do at this point, they placed the pendants back under their armor, hiding them from view for now.

Eating their fill, the two then decided to find an armorer for Gamma to purchase some better armor. They inquired about, and were directed to Lorelai Fletcher's Armory and Forge, where Gamma did find some studded leather armor to replace his worn leathers. While they were there, Wynn managed to glean some information from Lorelai about a wayward Druid who had caused a bit of a ruckus two years ago. Apparently, the Wood Elf had been gibbering about needing to open a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water, using the Everspring as his source of power. When he had actually attempted to do as he said, he was apprehended and thrown in prison. Lorelai had heard that the Druid had escaped, however, and no leads had been found since. She recommended the two speak to Captain Dondarrion of the Cobalt Guard, to learn more information.

The pair decided to do just that, and made their way towards the military housing district, where the training grounds were, and before too long, found themselves speaking with Captain Dondarrion. The handsome half-Elf soldier took a liking to Wynn immediately and told her all about the troublesome Druid that had passed through Telim. Through his description and Wynn's knowledge of her Druidic kin, she determined that this was Borel Evenwind, the adopted sibling who, in Wynn's youth, had taken most to the element of Water. It appeared that obsession still held sway. Dondarrion showed Gamma and Wynn the cell that they had housed Evenwind, as well as the magical barriers on the cell doors. It was an extension of the Flame's magic, Dondarrion explained, and was supposed to be impenetrable, either in or out, unless one knew how to pass through it.

Wynn thoroughly investigated the cell and discovered that the top of the cell was not protected by the barrier, an oversight that Dondarrion hastily assured her was being corrected. Wynn deduced that Borel Evenwind had transformed himself into water somehow and escaped through the ceiling of the cell. This theory was bolstered by the discovery of some magical spell components left scattered under the mattress in the cell. Dondarrion told Wynn that Borel was rumored to have traveled toward the Hath mountains, but that he and his men had found no trace of him after his escape.

Before Wynn and Gamma left Captain Dondarrion to his training exercises, she presented her Writ of Valor to him; he assured her that he would see to it that she was provided housing and that he would send word to the Bluebill when it was prepared. He also promised lodging for Gamma, since the two of them were traveling together.

Gamma and Wynn then headed to Telim's Library, to see if they could find information regarding the Vestige and the mysterious necklaces that had appeared on their bodies overnight. They found two books that Wynn transcribed from Draconic, one regarding the Vestige and one the Platinum Dragon. As they left the library, Gamma voiced his desire to inquire with the city guard whether any other local barons were visiting the city. He wished to speak to one of them regarding Baron Wain and the plan Gamma had concocted with Lord Lister Burnhold to remove Jezrim Wain from power.

Gamma discovered, after talking with some guards at the southern gate of Telim, that Baron Fenton Blackstrand was visiting and staying in one of the manor houses provided to visiting dignitaries. Gamma decided to pay him a visit. Wynn-frid took the form of a dog and accompanied the assassin to Blackstrand's temporary home in the northern section of Telim. The two were granted passage after a brief exchange with Blackstrand's personal guards, and led into a chamber for an audience. Inside the chamber, Fenton Blackstrand sat in a high-backed chair behind a desk, but had his back turned to the pair. He told them that he wished for his face to remain a mystery to them, as theirs would to him. He did not seem to be fooled by Wynn-frid's altered shape and addressed her as if she were a person, not the dog she appeared to be.

Gamma demanded to know if Baron Blackstrand was privy to the details of Lord Burnhold's plans against Baron Wain. He indicated that he was, and that he was, in fact, united with Burnhold to remove Wain from power. He seemed familiar with Gamma's predicament as well, and offered him an alliance if he were to decide to move against Burnhold as well, once Wain was out of the picture. Gamma made no promises, but was given a token of safe passage from Blackstrand as the meeting concluded. As the Halfling and the Wild-shaped Druid reached the door of the room, they were halted by Blackstrand's voice as he turned around, showing them his face. They saw a regal-looking High Elf with shock-white hair and piercing blue-green eyes. He was dressed in very fine clothes, but wore chainmail armor underneath, showing his prudence at the expense of fashion or comfort. BLackstrand reiterated his commitment to helping Gamma get his family back, and repeated his offer to help Gamma if he should decide he was tired of being Burnhold's pet as well.

The two left the manor house, mulling over the information they had gathered. As they returned to the Bluebill, Wynn-frid began translating the notes she had written while in the library. As she and Gamma worked through the pages, they realized that they had barely begun to discover what destiny had in store for the two of them. Elena was set to arrive tomorrow; would she have answers, or would her arrival herald even more questions?


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